This ONE HERB is all you NEED to cure ALL kinds of DISEASES
Sorghum bicolor Leaf Sheaths (poroporo oka baba) in Yoruba language has been in use for several centuries as a cure for many chronic diseases like arthritis,infertility, diabetes, sickle cell, hypertension, HIV/AIDS, stroke and even stroke. Scientists just simply ignored them. By chance, I witnessed how a herbalist cured a university professor of medicine who had a terminal stage of Acute Myeloid Leukemia within 3 months. I offered the herb to the husband of an associate professor at the famous Dana Faber Cancer Research Center in the USA who also had a similar problem. The subsequent events were recorded through email correspondences. To learn more See this post by Health Forever Product Limited on Google:
The scientific work done on this herb has resulted in its being listed in the drug dictionary of the National Cancer Institute and described as being rich in Polyphenols and phenolic acids with the potential for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and chemopreventive capabilities.
The investigations done on the concept was also published at:
To learn more about Sorghum bicolor supplement Jobelyn please visit :
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